

Students in 宾州州立银行' 2024 Engineering Ahead cohort pose for a photo with the campus lion shrine.

来源:Samantha Bower

WYOMISSING,爸爸. — 宾州州立银行 is helping a future generation of engineering students to succeed through the college’s Engineering Ahead Program, 现在已经是第九年了. 为期四周的暑期“桥梁”项目的目标, 从6月30日到7月19日, is to increase retention rates among a diverse group of engineering students by enhancing academic preparedness and providing support. 

宾夕法尼亚州弗利特伍德的艾登·德普(Aiden Depue)讲述了这个项目如何帮助了他.

“由于费用问题,我真的很犹豫是否要上大学, 经验和整体的未来选择,他说. “我不仅觉得准备好了, 但我认为自己的未来不仅仅是十大正规赌博平台大全的学生, 但作为未来的工程师. 我报名参加这个项目是因为它是免费的, 然而,现在我已经完成了夏季桥, I am already thinking about how I can contribute and pay back for the experiences and opportunities it has given me.” 

瑞安哈斯勒, 工程前沿协调员和十大正规赌博平台大全博克分校的数学教学教授, 解释了这个项目的价值.

“工程类工作的需求量非常大, 然而,没有足够的毕业生来满足这一需求,哈斯勒说。. “问题有两个:招聘和留住. 尽管近75%的Z世代学生表示对STEM感兴趣, 只有29%的人有兴趣在未来从事与stem相关的工作. 在2020年美国授予的所有STEM学士学位中, 只有26%的学生被授予少数族裔学生.”

今年的18名学生来自宾夕法尼亚州, 新泽西, 马里兰, 维吉尼亚州, 俄亥俄州和伊利诺伊州. 参与者计划学习不同的工程学科, 包括航空航天, 生物医学, 化学, 计算机工程, 计算机科学, 环境, 机电与机械工程.

每天的日程安排包括强化数学“新兵训练营”,重点是微积分预科, 解决问题的练习, 便利的辅导课程, 教师和外部演讲者介绍和讨论课程教材, 詹姆斯·克利尔的《赌博平台大全》. 该课程还包括科学方法、技术和职业探索等主题.

“我相信工程领先是全国最好的大学预科项目之一,奥克顿的Chitvat Mahal说, 维吉尼亚州. “我意识到我在高中从来没有学过东西,而只是死记硬背. 我想做这个项目,因为我认为这将是有益的, 虽然, 我不知道我有多需要它. 有了这个项目,我感到更有安全感,为开始大学生活做好了准备.”

除了哈斯勒, 核心工程超前项目团队包括Dawn Pfeifer Reitz, 传播艺术与科学副教授, 索尼娅·德拉基托, 学院学习中心的协调员. 在总, 50多名赌博平台大全的教职员工, staff and alumni supported this year’s program by donating their time and expertise through presentations and talks.

今年, three 博克斯 Engineering Ahead alumni returned to serve as mentors for this year’s program: Jocelyn Espinoza, 航空航天工程专业, was the senior program resident assistant; Kareem Zok, 机械工程专业大二学生, was a mentor; and Mitchel Nevryanskiy, 大三学生,主修传播艺术与科学和心理学, 是一名住宿助理. 

埃斯皮诺萨评论, “I am very thankful that I got the opportunity be a mentor in Engineering Ahead for a second summer. Each summer the program continues to get better and provides even more chances for students to speak to professionals in their field of interest and get to see what an engineering career looks like. I enjoyed every moment of mentoring these students and seeing them strengthen their technical and soft skills.”

Zok补充道, “Engineering Ahead真正为学生的下一步做好了准备, 给了他们很多宝贵的经验, 知识和朋友开始他们的大学经历. 看到它们在四周的时间里发育得如此之快,是件很特别的事."

The program helps participants to prepare for the rigors of math courses while giving them an opportunity to meet fellow engineering students. 他们还参加学习技巧的讲习班, 时间管理和职业规划, 了解校园和教授. 

Students also heard presentations from prominent Penn State engineering alumni and local community leaders including Melisa Daniels Foster, 十大正规赌博平台大全校友,埃克森美孚公司退休化学工程师-职业发展, 和约翰·韦登哈默, 威登哈默工业的总裁.

They also had an opportunity to attend in-person lab presentations on campus and took field trips to tour four local industries: Brentwood Industries in 阅读, 阅读木匠技术在阅读, SFS集团美国有限公司. 在怀俄明州和Teleflex在怀俄明州. The students also visited the 博克斯 LaunchBox in 阅读 and the Happy Valley LaunchBox at the University Park campus.

“Being part of Engineering Ahead at 宾州州立银行 has helped me develop relationships with fellow engineers as well as a diverse group of faculty members. 伴随着我发展的友谊和我开始形成的习惯, 我也接触到了一种全新的思维方式, 学到了很多我相信会对我整个大学生活有很大帮助的概念. 在参观了所有涉及工程的公司之后, 我能真切地看到自己在工程领域的工作,牛津大学的雅各布·希金斯说, 宾西法尼亚.

也许更有影响力, students heard from 博克斯 engineering alumni who were part of prior Engineering Ahead cohorts and are currently working in their field, 包括Gabriela Gonzalez Magana, software engineer at Lockheed Martin; Bryant Warmate, 顾问, Boston Consulting Group; Whitney Imoh, senior business analyst with Accenture; and Nathan Bonslaver, CarToCamp创始人.

“作为这个项目的一部分,我看到了真正的大学课堂应该是什么样子,下沉之泉的大卫·拉米雷斯-加西亚解释道, 宾西法尼亚. "I decided to do this program because it was recommended by students who were in the program previously. 一些亮点是实地考察,帮助我发现了我们周围的行业, 与同伴建立关系, 并在学年开始前与教授建立联系. 这个项目帮助我管理时间,为我大学第一年做了准备, 组织, 记笔记技巧, 人际关系网等等."

除了, Engineering Ahead also provides a support system through a first-year seminar where students continue their transition to college as a group, 第二学期的STEM持久性研讨会, 最后, 进入大学公园校区的“跳起大二桥”项目.

It wasn’t all work and no play for the Engineering Ahead students; they also participated in multiple community service projects. 在一个项目中,学生们为帮助收获食品银行分类食物捐赠. 为另一个, they worked with Youth Volunteer Corp (VOICE UP) of 阅读 fourth through–sixth graders from the 阅读 Recreation Commission’s Playground summer program to build and race solar-powered cars and participated in an engineering design egg drop competition. 他们还与凯瑟琳·豪瑟合作过, 工程学助教, 和罗伊·汤普森, 机械工程实验室主管, 设计并建造一个岩石箱和一个室外泥厨房, 他们在机会之家的户外游乐场安装的, 雷丁的紧急避难所. 

“这18名一年级工程专业的学生给我留下了深刻的印象,”哈斯勒说. “他们对学习的热情、创造力和奉献精神确实令人鼓舞. 尽管他们的学术之旅才刚刚开始, they have already demonstrated remarkable problem-solving skills and a strong grasp of engineering principles.

“Their collaborative spirit and eagerness to learn set a solid foundation for their future success. 在这些年轻的工程师身上看到如此有前途的才华和潜力是令人兴奋的. These scholars are also incredibly selfless and recognize their role in helping the greater 博克斯 community become a better place to live and learn. 在我们社会的不确定和动荡时期, I am encouraged by the commitment that these students have shown to becoming future engineers tasked with solving some of our world’s greatest problems.” 

Owings Mills的Boluwatife Akindoyin总结了这一经验, 马里兰, 他说:“能参加这个项目是我的荣幸. 我能交到新朋友, 认识将来能帮助我的人, 并参与社区活动. Overall being a part of this program for me was incredible because it not only taught me about learning engineering but how to communicate and use what I’ve learned to help my community. 我很感激和感谢那些捐款的人, 他们花时间教育我们,让这成为一段美好的经历.” 

博世工程超前项目今年获得了博世力士乐的资助, 波音公司, 巴诺基金会, 哈罗德一个. 工程推广和招聘基金, 赌博平台大全利用创新和优化培育(LION) STEM学者计划, 还有许多校友和当地的慈善捐款.  

Those interested in learning more about how to support the Engineering Ahead Program or who would like more information about the program can contact Hassler at 610-396-6127 or via email at (电子邮件保护).

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